Dark Angel Wiki


White gets his hands on Max's clone from Manticore, Sam (X5-453), whom he blackmails into tracking Max down.

Still distraught after what had happened to Annie, Joshua decides to head to Terminal City to live, as everything thing in his house seems to remind him of Annie. When Alec comes home to an empty house, he decides to follow. Increased tensions force Logan to flee from his apartment forever and Max to leave Seattle.


Main Cast


  • The existence of Sam creates a plot hole, as Donald Lydecker should have been familiar with Max's adult appearance and recognized her when they met in the episode "Prodigy". Even in the unlikely event that he had never encountered Sam personally, it would have been unbelievably negligent for Manticore not to give him pictures of her as she aged, while he was hunting for a group of escapees that included her twin. (This plot hole was not already created by the existence of Alec, since it was never established in "Pollo Loco" whether or not Lydecker knew what Ben looked like.)
  • The episode title is short for the phrase "she ain't heavy, she's my sister", referring to the introduction of Max's twin sister Sam.
  • Sam tells Max that the last time they met was "in a test tube", rather than saying "at birth", implying that the X5 twins were implanted in separate surrogate mothers.

See Also[]

previous: Dawg Day Afternoon She Ain't Heavy next: Love Among the Runes
See Also: Season 1Season 2All Episodes